Saturday, December 10, 2005

What have I done?

It is done.

And I must say that it's a pretty emotional moment. I get very choked up at these things.

It's odd. High school, I loved my friends, and my life, and my class, and graduation was very emotional.

College, I felt alone, isolated, oucast, rejected, and it was more of an angry moment than a happy one.

Here, now, it's like high school. I really love these people, and will miss them. And it's sad for me to think about everything this damn degree has cost me. My wife's desire to get this degree ahead of me really helped accelerate the death of our marriage. We spent about a year of weekends and evenings with me helping her get ready for the GMAT, then close to another year obsessing about applications and recommendations, then we spent 19 months with her in the program, often with me helping her with her work, the last 7 of which had me in the program with her simultaneously.

Is it any wonder I felt abandoned as a husband? I was a live-in tutor, not a lover. Is it any wonder distance grew between us? Is it any wonder we're divorcing?

Jointly, we will have given this school $240,000, 3.5 years of our lives, and our marriage. In return, we'll have 4 MBA degrees between us.

Fair trade? Nope. I only wanted to live happily ever after. I'd trade it all back if I could get the fairy tale. Keep the degrees.

That said, I have 62 new best friends. Maybe I've traded up.