Wednesday, July 14, 2004


I'm in New York for my first Columbia session. COlumbia seems a nice place. Like harvard's campus in BU's neighborhood.

I'm really not feeling all that social. I have an accounting midterm on Friday, and that's going to be enough of a challenge. There is the Global MBA program here along with some others, so there's this big networking opportunity, but I'm so un-motivated to talk to strangers today. I know that I should, though, so I'm saving my energy for that.

Our hotel here is cool. It's what an upsacle hotel would look like if IKEA did the decorating. Modern style, kind of modern, Asian, rectilinear. Better workout facilities than the hotel in CA. I got up at 7:30 (4:30 PST) to work out. I jogged up the stairs from floor 17 to floor 46, then hit the exercize bike for 30 min. Penthouse workout room is cool. It was good to burn some calories and get on this time zone.

I'm really hoping to get some ideas for generating som more business for the consulting thing. Awareness is an issue, and then there's the problem that I explain things so well that people think they understand and can do it themselves. Which they can't. I'm not sure it's the right business. It's not higly leverageble. It's not about being ultra wealthy, it's more a lifestyle thing. But the problems/ projects involved aren't too compelling for me, since they're rarely something terribly new. I suppose few things in life will require me to do things that are totally new. Most people want to know you've done it before before they trust you to do it for them.

Any way, I remain open to possibilities. I'm going to try hard not to piss off our marketing prof. I've asked too many pesky questions.

Accounting review starts in a few min....