Monday, January 17, 2005

Are you not Entertained?

My first thought was to express my vast disappointment in my audience. My favorite posts seem to get the fewest responses. My dumb little half questions and pretty pictures evoke the most response.

But I thought about it.

1) Maybe it's me? Maybe it's just not that interesting, or it's too subtle, or no one has a damn clue what I'm alluding to or why it's supposed to be funny or clever. Or maybe they know exactly what I'm alluding to, and just don't find it funny or clever? Maybe I need some feedback so the stuff works for people. Like a stand up honing his material. Maybe I'm not that amusing.

2) Maybe I shouldn't care. For whom do I blog? Myself or others? If I blog for myself, then why should I care whether I get a reaction? Like art created for burning man: I should create for the sake of creating, and maintain detachment from the creation, such that I can let it be destroyed. I enjoyed writing it, and now that it's written... I don't mind deleting it? I do mind, though. I say it myself in my little profile thing: I aim to connect with other people.

So I suppose when my favorite things fail to evoke reactions - of any kind, I am disappointed that I'm not connecting on my most favored levels. I suppose we all just want people to "get" us.

Ah well.

I shall continue anyway.

I have an idea for a book. It's different form the ideas I told my brother about. I think it could do well. I'm going to go do some research tomorrow.

Of course, I won't quit my day job.