Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A ditch 1200 miles long + H2O...

...and I can build a moat around Kansas, which is the only appropriate way to deal with a state that votes down evolution, or at least approves school curricula encouraging the exploration of "alternative explanations" for life on earth. Yeah. How progressive, to be open to more than "natural explanations" for phenomena in the world around us. Maybe it's physics that makes my car go. Or maybe it's elves!

A nice deep moat. With warning signs like around the wicked witch's castle in The Wizard of Oz, only specific to keep the Kansans safely in Kansas, their own personal Christian fundamentalist happy land. Signs like:

"This moat is the only thing between your family and pagans from San Francisco"


"Danger! Beyond this body of water are people who use 'science' to build 'lasers'"


"Warning! Crossing this moat may lead to contact with gays"

Speaking of:

Hey, Texas! Way to go, all y'all! Y'all have succeeded in totally reversing any unfair stereotypes we may have been harboring about y'all as intolerant, unenlightened, backwards, cowboy hat wearing, big-buckle-and-boots hayseeds! Voting in a ban against gay marriage almost makes us forget you fought on the pro slavery side in the civil war, use the death penalty more than any other state, or enjoy lynching the odd Mexican or stray Negro from time to time. Rocketed y'all right up the sophistication chart, there. Totally debunked all my ideas. Good job!

P.S. Nice touch keeping the "White Settlement" name. Tradition, ya know. Celebrate the Texas heritage!

Sometimes, a democratic system is bad. But at least we know where the idiots are.