Saturday, February 04, 2006

Calcium sucks

Perhaps I don't drink enough water. Or maybe I'm genetically pre-disposed. But from time to time I get kidney stones. And I have the delight of working on one right now. While traveling and trying to help my brother move.

It feels like there's a prickly rusty burr slowly traveling through my renal system. The only answer: Pile on the water, work it out. Except that hurts. Feels like there's a needle stuck in my pipes. Traveling sideways. And the sudden sharp pain that hits "mid stream" really doesn't make me feel like reaching for another glass of water. Water leads to pee. Pee leads to agony. Agony leads to fear. Fear is the path to the dark side... So there are a few reasons my eyes glow yellow right now.

I suppose I should not be a typical guy and actually go see my doctor about this. I've dealt with this too many times for a soon to be 32 year old guy. Can't be normal.

Great cure for overactive libido: Kidney stone.