Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Holy Fuck am I Stressed

And yet, oddly, I'm not.

Things that went down/ will go down in a 48 hour window:
  • Received notice from wife (who made as much or more than I did during our marriage)that she's going to file for a temporary support decree form the judge
  • Notified by wife that she wants to go to mediation over our divorce settlement
  • Spend 4.5 hours in traffic driving to and from client site for consulting project
  • Notified by independent consulting client that she found out I have a full time job now
  • Composed e-mail to client to diffuse situation
  • Spoke with client to diffuse situation
  • Situation largely diffused, but relationship is bruised
  • Notified by my lawyer that I may want to take the settlement deal being offered to me
  • Required to type up 7 hours of interview notes in 4 hours
  • Must create a presentation and two short papers which are due for class on Thursday
  • Must read 4 cases for class
  • Handled varying degress of relationship complexity
  • Hounded by lawyer's secretary to set up appointment. Discussion scheduled for 30 min block between classes Friday afternoon.
  • Meeting/ speaking with new independent consulting prospect on Thursday afternoon between classes.

The odd thing is, I'm largely pretty calm. The image in my mind is of a brown hooded and cloaked figure (looks like Obi Wan) walking slowly and steadily towards me while swirling winds whip up a frenzy of yellow sand around him. Serenity and focus amidst chaos. And I have a lot of that.

At least I'm stroking my 8+ on Sunday. I got bumped from the top 8+, since we cannibalized our elite 4+ to stack the boat. It's now got 4 national team level folk, or ex national caliber folk on Port side. I don't mind getting bumped by the immortals. My "B" 8+ is actually an insanely fast crew. I'm gonna take all the stress, and leave it on the race course on Sunday. I pity the crews in front of us, whom I shall humiliate. I'm gonna throw down some Bataan Death March pacing, and folks can keep up or die.